vitrus's Profile

Gender: Male
City/Residence: Haarlem


Personal Highscores (TOP 10)
 # ScoreServerComp. value/GoalComp. age/Game lengthComp. membersWon?
181x315,815,642 / 02297 / 91Yes
254x314,129,766 / 03908 / 171Yes
345x320,166,250 / 03572 / 171Yes
442x315,828,544 / 03721 / 171Yes
536x518,411,972 / 03215 / 91Yes
633x542,813,822 / 02895 / 91Yes
731x531,537,558 / 03233 / 91Yes
830152,717,524 / 02437 / 71Yes
928x545,660,894 / 02993 / 91Yes
10281027,378,590 / 25,000,0007 / 91Yes

Game results (Last 10)
Game endScoreServerCompany value/GoalComp. age/G. len.MembersWon?
2020-10-10 14:02:421228,345,098 / 02282 / 91Yes
2020-03-26 10:03:4612215,229,088 / 01883 / 81Yes
2020-03-24 15:37:1016167,733,216 / 05780 / 161Yes
2020-03-24 11:57:4721151,236,434 / 03470 / 161Yes
2020-03-24 08:52:4713214,307,828 / 02017 / 61Yes
2020-03-23 15:16:0312211,098,080 / 02085 / 81Yes
2019-03-21 13:04:5715153,077,156 / 02312 / 62Yes
2019-03-21 11:37:5022152,169,626 / 02718 / 181Yes
2019-03-21 00:17:08281027,378,590 / 25,000,0007 / 91Yes
2019-03-20 21:13:2025132,380,442 / 02660 / 131Yes

Rewards (Last 10)

Punishments (Last 10)


Earned Achievements
AchievementTime earned (UTC)
[ Moonlighting ]2019-03-21 11:44:00
[ Fail Guy ]2019-02-26 12:56:24
[ FDIC Customer ]2018-10-01 22:52:42
[ And Now For A Commercial Break ]2018-05-05 14:09:38
[ Producer ]2018-04-04 13:43:31
[ Structural Engineer ]2018-04-04 13:21:40
[ Nature Lover ]2018-03-30 14:27:18
[ Runaway Runway ]2018-03-30 13:21:44
[ Chairman ]2018-03-14 11:46:23
[ Baddaboom! ]2018-03-13 22:38:22
[ Boom! ]2018-03-13 22:38:22
[ Baddabang! ]2018-03-13 22:38:22
[ Dick, The Diggy Digger ]2018-03-09 15:06:42
[ Terraformer ]2018-03-07 19:41:41
[ Only Passing Through... ]2018-03-07 18:37:53
[ Skilled ]2018-03-07 18:37:53
[ Double Power ]2018-03-07 17:17:38
[ SPAM King ]2018-03-07 17:09:20
[ Up There ]2018-02-14 14:59:47
[ Chief Executive ]2018-01-19 21:40:12
[ Dissociative Identity Disorder ]2018-01-19 19:06:13
[ Identity Crisis ]2018-01-19 19:06:13
[ Here We Go Again ]2018-01-19 19:05:32
[ Rail Business Done Hands-Free ]2018-01-19 18:56:11
[ Mr. Asphalt ]2018-01-19 16:55:36
[ Who Am I? ]2018-01-19 16:36:30
[ Underground Kid ]2018-01-16 18:58:40
[ Banked Up ]2018-01-16 17:51:40
[ Plastic Surgery ]2018-01-16 17:42:09
[ Winner ]2018-01-16 17:00:23
[ Bridged ]2018-01-16 16:56:22
[ Paraterraformer ]2018-01-16 16:19:03
[ Traffic Manager ]2018-01-16 15:52:17
[ Engineer ]2018-01-16 15:38:41
[ Tunneled ]2018-01-16 15:31:25
[ Pupil ]2018-01-16 15:31:25
[ Bang! ]2018-01-16 15:26:56
[ Relocated ]2018-01-16 15:26:19
[ Home Sweet Home ]2018-01-16 15:23:30
[ What's In A Name? ]2018-01-16 15:21:19
[ Director ]2018-01-15 21:42:17
[ Perfectly Aligned ]2018-01-15 21:17:42
[ Route Supervisor ]2018-01-15 21:11:37
[ Street Worker ]2018-01-15 21:08:29
[ Me And My Shovel <3 ]2018-01-15 20:56:02
[ Transport Coordinator ]2018-01-15 20:40:55