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Messages - Andreas

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Ban/Unban Requests / Re: Leofred2000
« on: November 19, 2012, 11:56:11 am »
You are allready unbanned. Geert did take a look at the logs, but it seemed like you were the one that raise that land, That is why he banned you. Unfortunately that game ended some time ago, so it is very hard tell now.

If you encounter any problems like this in the future, please call an admin. You can either use !admin <reason>  in the chat or place a sign starting with admin.

General / Re: A queston/suggestion -- Please read
« on: November 19, 2012, 11:05:34 am »
Making the 'guidelines' a bit more explicit sounds like a good idea to me as well. Players will feel that we treat them more fairly if they see  the same/similar treatment from different admins for similar cases. That said I myself take very different actions to the same rule-break but that has other causes than the rule-break itself.

I usually only reset immediately for clear cases of blocking/destroying of RV's.
For the rest I try to warn and ask to fix first. How long I am willing to wait depends on the nature of the rule break AND whether a person is actively building or not. If I see no activity, that person might well be going to get some coffee, or busy with some other stuff. If I see active building however and I am still being ignored, i have much less patience. I also place signs in front of where they are building if i get the idea that they do not see the chat. In that case you cannot say that you did not see that I was trying to contact you as player.

Also most admins know who active players are and a lot of the time you can see by the score who often plays on the servers.  I also consider this a factor to grant a player a warning or not. Active players should know better what is being meant by the rules. Luckily I must say that most active players are not the ones giving trouble.

For new less frequent players, it is usually quite clear which ones are truely not understanding and who is just being difficult.

As you might have noticed i used the word usually a lot. That is because there are always exceptions on both player and admin side. That will prove almost impossible to rule out.

One last point: while a shared set of admin guidelines might work, I don't think that rules need to match. Part of why people choose for n-ice or bt-pro are the differences such as competition on secondary industries and the 'waling on water' stuff.

General / Re: New set of punishments
« on: November 14, 2012, 02:31:00 pm »
Well while for some smaller things I get it, there are a few snags:

First of all some stuff just cheats the cv or pref score. that does not only affect the players currently in the server but also all other players bothering for score. If we can all just start pushing cv or spamming stations the score won't be worth anything anymore.

secondly som players call admins fast, and some don't. This policy will disadvantage players that don't like calling an admin. Also I have seen a few players get mad at their fellow player when he calls for admin. This might increase if admins only come when called.

So concluding I think there could be some minor things we could just overlook if it does not bother other players, but fairness is also one of the aims of the rules. That aside you are not the first player to bring this up so it is worth mentioning.

General / Re: New set of punishments
« on: November 13, 2012, 05:27:28 pm »

I don't think the ways of punishment should be changed, maybe just the execution. (But I can't comment on this since I have no idea what your methods are)

While it is true that you don't know the current methods this IS your chance to give an opinion of how they *should* be. (based on experience or what you consider fair)

General / Re: New set of punishments
« on: November 12, 2012, 04:09:23 pm »
I see that most player think that new punishments are a good idea. It is still early for conclusions but apparently it as support.

That does make me wonder a few practical things:
Are the old punishments just too harsh?
Do you like some, or all of the new punishments?

And most important of all to be able to be fair: In what case for example should an admin remove vehicles/money from a company?

General / Re: New set of punishments
« on: November 09, 2012, 07:13:02 pm »
Well first of all: I do agree that maybe in some cases punishment is too hard, and I do agree that maybe a change of guidelines would ba a good idea. What should be conidered though is that it has to be transparent for both admins and players and there should be a way to guarantee players get treated equally. Therefor this is what I have to say on the proposals"

Easy punishments: 1: Paying an amount of money (the company is forced to pay or to lose a certain amount of money which would make it harder to finish 1st)

While this might sound good, I see a few snags: for exampe the amount of money: in early game and on short goals it will have a huge impact, while after 12 years in an average long run goal 40 million won't even make that much of a difference. Also for what rulebreaks should this be aplied for example? IMHO it will be too hard to implement it in an objective way.

2: Not being able to build for X minutes (Everything a certain player deleted automatically for X minutes)
I do like the sound of this one. Although I think you are thinking too complicated on this one: locking a company for some time will have the same effect without having to code a lot of extra stuff.

3: Taking the company out of the Goal System (Losing the right to compete in the game)

Once again, no direct problems but: would resetting the company not be a better idea here? The player can start a new company should he decide too, witch sounds good to me since this is listed in the 'easy' part.

4: Deleting vehicles (the company loses a number of vehicles)

Allthough this might sound nice, I don't think it is practically desirable. An admin would have to send them all to depot and remove them. It might just be more work for the admin than a punishment for the rulebreaker :p Also the same problem as with the money thing. The difference of impact and trouble with 'fairness' between stages of the game and goals would also make it hard to implement.

5: Muting the player (taking care of those players who simply don`t know when to stop)
You mean players that keep ruining thing in the chat? TBH I think they should just be kicked form the server then... The idea is to keep it fun for all, and if someone just complains, insults and so on he is no fun to have around anyway

6: Taking a coefficient of points (each server has a certain amount of if you break the rules in server 5 , you lose 50 points (example),if  you break them in server 3 , you lose 30 points (example)

This does sound like a fair one to me. I suggest to make it a percentage though in stead of a fixed amount of points thb. That will imo be an easier way to keep the punishment equal between goals and game results.

7: Suspend the account for X days (the player cannot maintain his scoring with his account being suspended for X days)
Sounds good but I do wonder: Would a tempban not be the thing to do?
As I see it from a player pov there are 2 options:
 1. The player cares for score: in that case he will probable not play anyway
 2. The player does not care for the score: where is the punishment?

8: Remove certain achievements  (the player loses certain achievements that he earned)
Well for most achievements once you got them you have a pretty good idea of how to do it, so it would be easy to get them back. But more importantly I think the punishment should have some connection with the 'crime' witch seems absent here.

9: Transfering money to the victim (In the cases where a rule break did more damage then usual)
This sounds good, but: who is the victim of a rulebreak? If it is blocking of a certain player, it is clear, but in other cases it would not be so easy. Furthermore: how should the 'damage' be valued?
So I think this could be usefull but needs a lot of extra thought

For the last category I have no remarks as that is already in the possibilities of an admin. Although I do not think a kick is such a harsh thing. The player can simply rejoin.

Depending on the severity of the cases, I consider that those should be the punishments.

Well that is the best of them all I think! Punish according to severity :D

The end (of my evaluation)

especially the "smart" option could improve the situation a lot in your favor.

I like that option a lot. It is basically what we (as admins) do atm when there is a case of somebody not being able to join.
Additionally maybe another thing could be added: Name AND Logged in

Instead of asking an admin to move us to our company, in case of disconnection/powercuts, can this be automated..? like clicking on join company will match our ip with that of the ip that created the company and move us to that company? can this be done? anyways i'm skeptical about this! coz most people have dynamic ip's assigned by their isp's.... enlighten me someone!

Currently if your IP + name matches somebody on the 'known' list for the company you can join it, even if you have no password set. You can get on the known list by starting the company or being invited by somebody that is in the company.

Now the point: Your name and IP must match. So if you had an afk tag when you disconnected, or have a dynamic IP or moved between house/school/friend/work you will not be recognized and will not be able to join the company.

You have set a password manually or automatic. In that case you only need the PW, name and IP do not matter.

To automatically set a PW so you can't forget as ST2 said:

Fill in a pw like you normally do and press default. The client will then automatically set that PW every time you start a company.

So in short if you have a PW set joining is never problem, and admins don't have to move you. That is why the poll is about if there should be a reminder for people that are lazy/forget :)

Server 4 Arctic Quick Goal ( 40 Milion Goal) / Re: Aircraft in arctic?
« on: November 02, 2012, 11:39:30 pm »
The main problem with that is that ships cause a significant load increase. But maybe a few (5-10) can be enabled to see how it goes

General Chat / Re: EPIC FAILS
« on: October 26, 2012, 02:17:56 pm »
Well to get back on track... oh wait...

General Chat / Re: My favorite n-ice admin is...
« on: October 25, 2012, 12:54:36 am »
welcome to our newest member: Andreas! :D

ty Geo :)

(actually this is just a shameless bump)

General Chat / Re: OpenTTD related quotes
« on: October 24, 2012, 04:40:45 pm »
As requested by geo:

[18:34] <geo> [18:31] <+OTTD-k7> f1r3_ph03n1x (Dark Blue): calling an admin just for just not right
[18:34] <geo> [18:31] <+OTTD-k7> f1r3_ph03n1x (Dark Blue): ok?
[18:34] <geo> [18:31] <%Beul> whata load of crap...
[18:34] <geo> [18:31] <+OTTD-k7> jasper1 (Mauve): i wasn't calling an admin for fun
[18:34] <geo> [18:31] <+OTTD-k7> jasper1 (Mauve): j
[18:34] <geo> [18:31] <+OTTD-k7> f1r3_ph03n1x (Dark Blue): next time, do it with a reason
[18:34] <geo> [18:31] <+OTTD-k7> jasper1 (Mauve): k
[18:34] <geo> [18:31] <+OTTD-k7> f1r3_ph03n1x (Dark Blue): thank you
[18:34] <geo> [18:31] <+OTTD-k7> f1r3_ph03n1x (Dark Blue): for testing the admin trigger

Suggestions / Re: CityBuilder - share ideas/comments
« on: October 20, 2012, 11:54:35 am »
Batt and I found one bug:
When a company gets reset and another company with the same number is started, the signs at the old location reapear. The area is not claimed but all 5 signs are there and even change names when the new company changes.

For the rest everything seems to work as expected.

General Chat / Re: EPIC FAILS
« on: October 19, 2012, 02:16:09 pm »
getting a bit off topic here  ;)

General / Re: Arctic CB : Fiction or Reality?
« on: October 19, 2012, 02:14:53 pm »
Replace another server :) But I dislike the idea of it being mostly with planes, there is no need for that.
I don't see the added value of an airplane CB either

Maybe make it slightly easier though in some other way, as the arcitc climate is usually slightly harder.
It will be easier without modifications cause there is no water is artic, so 1 cargo less :)

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