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Topics - Der_Herr

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Der_Herr
« on: July 25, 2012, 10:21:56 pm »

my name is Der_Herr. Most of you know me as Igor^^^, some hate me as Igor^^^. Like Alex i tend to stick to a strict policy concerning our rules (this wont be applied if you pass me a bottle of Pastis). My name (maybe you already noticed: I am german) is derived from a person in a famous german tragedy (try Goethe its fun!). Anyway I studied physics instead of literature and I am currently about to write my Master Thesis. If you want to talk about Quantum Photonics, dont hesitate! In my spare time i support xOR with buggy code for xShunter or work on other sideprojects, reading Science Fiction stories is another hobby. I played Transport Tycoon (not even the Deluxe version) as a child for long time and was very happy to get back in contact in 2003 with OpenTTD.

For the females amongst us: I am a typical german giant, but very kind to everyone.


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