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Topics - phmadore

Pages: [1]
New Server Proposals / Donation for a server...
« on: March 19, 2014, 08:35:55 pm »
So, I was wondering how much $ you need to do a new server, and then I was wondering if I donated that amount, would I be able to ask you to implement the Long Vehicles v4 and the other Long Vehicles v4 on that server. Potentially even make it the second road-only server, with a desert map of 1024x1024.

General / Legal?
« on: January 18, 2014, 07:03:45 am »
Seems this guy dug a valley and built his train line in it. The thing is, it goes across most of the map, and in order to bridge it, I  had to do expensive landscaping. Is this considered blocking? I'm not mad about it, I just want to know if that's what it is considered.

New Server Proposals / Road Only
« on: January 18, 2014, 05:08:40 am »
I would like to see a server which disallowed everything but road transportation. I think there are plenty of servers which are conducive to railroads (in many cases, the guy who gets there earliest and builds trains the fastest will win...). I've always found the road vehicles to be much more challenging, and the variety of vehicles to be more fun. It might even be fun to use one of the alternate vehicle sets that are out there; when I play offline, I use Long Vehicles v4. It is a situation where any of the trucks will serve most purposes, but you have to pay out a little to refit the vehicle for your purpose. The vehicles are much better looking, there is a much wider variety, and so forth. But that could be optional. I would just really love to see a server which had a map that was good for roads (lots of height variations make it more challenging) and didn't allow rail, air, or sea.

It might also be nice if there was just one server which allowed us to use sea or air, one or both. Kind of frustrating when all the oil rigs pop up in a CV match.

Just a thought!

Have a good night!


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