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Topics - magovit

Pages: [1]
Hi mates,

 I'm back, and i need your help to play multiplayer but my (n-ice) client not do any action when i try to connect on any server... even oficial client have no answer to multiplayer.

Server port is good, i changed my connection to my cellphone 3g and nothing too.  i really don't know why i have no response to enter in a game.
C:\>tcping 3981

Probing - Port is open - time=246.741ms
Probing - Port is open - time=248.929ms

Ping statistics for
     2 probes sent.
     2 successful, 0 failed.  (0.00% fail)
Approximate trip times in milli-seconds:
     Minimum = 246.741ms, Maximum = 248.929ms, Average = 247.835ms

Pages: [1]