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Complaints / Harrasment by admin Gopher
« Last post by AquaFiX on April 24, 2022, 02:54:42 pm »
I normally not so vocal about these things, it is a game after all. but i'm really annoyed on this one.

Rule 3 is a tricky rule, i had an encounter with Gopher and was asked to fix a few things, i did fix my stations. but apparently this wasn't good enough.

I then find that he creates stations like this?? How is it any different??

Is it an airport? is it a train station? regardless... it's obvious it was built to extend the range of the train station.
In my case, i may have even started with trainlength 8 trains with a leading and following carriage, but after two iterations the trains have shrunk and i haven't been bothered to fix the length?
I will not that i didn't even bother to login to play this game and was merely just trying to kill the afternoon. but i am one very dissastisfied player. Who is to tell me i can't have mixed trains, 3, 7 and 25 length? why allow 25 length trains? this administrator is like vladmir putin

imgur  (.)  c)om/a/TLFTAh4

i had trouble uploading the imgs

Ban/Unban Requests / Re: Banned for no reason
« Last post by iSoSyS on April 14, 2022, 06:35:43 pm »
sorry. I took a closer look and there was indeed a misconfigured ban that unfortunately caught you. I removed it, you should be able to join now.
Ban/Unban Requests / Re: Banned for no reason
« Last post by Dr. KABA on April 14, 2022, 04:31:03 am »
I`m still banned  :(

Ban/Unban Requests / Re: Banned for zombie(?) connection.
« Last post by iSoSyS on April 14, 2022, 01:42:14 am »
it seems your IP got associated with suspicious activity, you can check it here,

I'll ask internally which sites we check as we only use a few of those listed. In the meanwhile you can try to change your IP or you can request that your IP gets removed from the bad list in every site that flagged you.

Ban/Unban Requests / Re: Banned for no reason
« Last post by iSoSyS on April 14, 2022, 01:23:58 am »
sorry for the late answer. Could not find any entry for your IP or username. Can you check again?

Ban/Unban Requests / Re: Banned for no reason?
« Last post by iSoSyS on April 14, 2022, 01:23:21 am »
sorry for the late answer. Could not find any entry for your IP or username. Can you check again?

Ban/Unban Requests / Banned for zombie(?) connection.
« Last post by Emokulus on April 12, 2022, 11:34:02 am »
I had problems connecting to the server. I suppose it flagged me as zombie connection. Can I get unbanned? Username: Emokulus
Ban/Unban Requests / Banned for no reason
« Last post by Dr. KABA on April 10, 2022, 04:15:34 am »
I`m banned for no reason, pls can you unlock me again.
Ban/Unban Requests / Banned for no reason?
« Last post by Dawnbringer on April 09, 2022, 08:00:00 pm »
Hey! I just got back to play OTTD again.
On 2022.03.05. I tried to join #10 server (then others). First time I got 'Network-Game connection lost', 2nd time 'You are banned from this server'. Same goes for all servers. I tried to reach you on Discord (Endy#9362) and on IRC (Endy) but I got no answer what's going on.

Can you please tell me?

Best regards
Apply to become an admin! / [Trial] New Admin request: stenyg
« Last post by stenyg on March 08, 2022, 10:14:51 pm »
- nick: stenyg (ingame and irc)

- Age: 37 (feb 1984)

- Location Sweden

- Resent admin issues?:Me and kyrre had a few discussion. but i always AFAICT adjusted my behavour and took needed actions (including company reset)

- The main reason that made you want to become an n-ice admin
A former Reddit server admin under Luaducks regime looking to help out where help is needed in OTTD community

- How much are you online weekly (how many hours)
I usually play between 8 and 23pm CEST, but during weekends maybe more
- What is your current domain of work/ study ( General domains like : Computer Science; Architecture... no need for details)
Im Software development/DevOps/Scrummaster (c/c++) consultant

Chucky: trial period has been started (4/2022)
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