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« on: November 27, 2020, 11:07:28 am »


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Hi. Why was I banned?

Re: dajaku
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2020, 12:02:27 am »


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Hello dajaku,

first of all sorry for the late answer. Your ban triggered an intense discussion internally, and while it is yet to be fully settled, I feel we are already in position to offer you an explanation and  a short summary of what happened.

I'll refrain from mentioning admin's names, since the underlying issue goes beyond theirs position and responsibilities. It is a matter that needs to discussed among operators, those who are responsible to dictate which policies should be followed within n-ice.

So, it has been noted you use the !voterestart feature quite frequently, and there were a few instances that its use was selfish and it could be interpreted as a form of sabotage. Today you were seen using it again in such manner, completely trashing a 12 hour effort of another player. As it was a repeated "offense" it was decided to give you a temporary ban of two days.

After your attention call, I started investigating. Your ban was immediately lifted,and we started discussing how to proceed. Preliminary conclusions:

What you did cannot be considered an "offense".  !voterestart is a feature from n-ice, it is up to us to decide when is allowed and when it is not. Besides it is something that you can do without even realizing or be warned that you are thrashing another player's effort; The fact that it is a repeated offense, and you have been warned about that does not do you favors, but for the time being no action will be taken.
That being said,  !voterestart has to be changed so situations like this cannot happen again. Most likely it will be changed to better articulate with !saveme, and goal progress.
In the meantime, you should refrain from using !voterestart in long goal servers when there is as much as a single a company with significant progress.

It is quite late so I might have missed something, feel free to ask.


Re: dajaku
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2020, 10:53:07 am »


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Thank you for your answer. I'm still banned. Nullum crimen sine lege.

Re: dajaku
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2020, 11:58:29 am »


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You should be able to join now. Somehow the banlist got reload and it banned you again.