Servers > Server 8 Temperate Extreme Goal (20 Bilion Goal,2000-2300)

Server 8 official change proposal

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We chosed 14 because we are trying to be as close as we can to the Openttd dev recomendation which is 12. We are trying to make the same gameplay by compensating in train number.

ragul, no wonder u have -karma...when u state something, we need something behind that, an argument at we think about it...but u're not giving us any...alex is right u know? so be a good boy and think before writing suggestions :)

I'm not sure about the proposed reduction in train size. I'd just started getting used to building with the long trains, if the reduction takes place i'll have to change my strategy for this server completely. How would you feel if the max train length on 5 was 12? You'd hate it! I got the impression everything about long-run was supposed to be bigger, but with these proposed changes it'll seem more like a medium run goal. I also liked the fact that with the limit being 23, 8 had the longest trains on n-ice. Please don't change this! However, i do like the sound of all the other changes :)

You are only extending the goal by a few years, the trains are being shrunk by 9. We all know the way to win the long run goal is to make the trains that bring in 1 million per visit or close to that, I believe that shrinking the trains so much you would have to increase the goal time.

I don't think that will be enough time to compensate for the large loss of money due to the large change of trains.

I dont see a problem here

my first time on s8 i used TL 15 trains and made 1 billion a year with maglev 2 trains


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