Servers > Server 8 Temperate Extreme Goal (20 Bilion Goal,2000-2300)

Server 8 official change proposal

<< < (6/6)

perfect :D  :o


--- Quote from: Geert on August 09, 2012, 08:23:32 pm ---City building is one the things i like of the dessert and now you killed it........ (pretty much)

--- End quote ---

with patience city building is quite interesting though having to wait say 10years for it to reach 4k is just not right we need those larger airports to get the extra cash i maxed to 2m per year with just the commuter planes.... either increase city growth a notch or bring extra planes say to 50-60? just my opinion...

i do agree they were way too big befor im sure you can tweak it a little :D look forward to the changes in coming days


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