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Messages - Kyrre

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Suggestions / Idea: The Twin Towers
« on: April 27, 2016, 09:49:55 am »
Right, this is basically a take on a new type of CB server, where as opposed to building one town up to a designated populous we do it with two instead.  In order to acheive this I would suggest that when placing a company HQ, a 2nd town in automatically created which falls within the coverage area of the HQ.

In order to stop mutliple new town from being created, once the HQ has been placed it can not be re-located (I appreciate that makes some of the achievements impossible to get, but they would still be obtainable on other N-ice servers).

The size of the map and size of the town to be achieved is somewhat irrelevant at this stage, but can be scrutinized by the admins which ever way they want.  Also whilst i've termed this type the two towers, once the code has been written it could be possible to have X number of towns instead of just two, thus making special tournaments possible, where upon the coverage area for the HQ could be increased to fit more towns to be built up.

*Additionally; it could be possible to enforce the idea that the towns are linked, and if one fails to grow the other does too, which could make for a much harder game later on, when the pre-requisites for growth come in to play.

General / How many roads can a station be?
« on: April 26, 2016, 04:24:19 pm »
Right, I was playing on Hard server earlier, and whilst I was starting late in the active game, and waiting for an income from my farm trains, I (as some do) was checking out the other players in the game.  One of which had a bus/mail station in their primary city in which it spanned 3 different roads.  Also due to this it's spread was receiving more than the unconnected train station nearby (approximatey double).  Now I informed the player and they removed the 3rd road element of the station.
We did agree on calling an admin for clarity, as my explanation's using the syntax from rule 3 and 12, we're not enough to qualm the debate (the admin call via sign went unanswered - no big deal).

I was under the impression that a bus/truck station could be any length/width in one direction, and can have one tile in another direction connected to it, is that right?  Essentially making it an 'L' shape.

I haven't taken any picture's this time, as i'm biased a bit towards the offending player in question.
I will say though that this station abuse was the only infraction to the rules by that player, and the other player in the game was also extending coverage with unused station parts.

I'm probably getting a reputation for being a bit of a killjoy for following these N-ice rules, but like I said to those involved without said rules, it would be anarchy like it is on other servers, and I for one don't want that.

Complaints / Re: Niorochimaru station spreader
« on: April 12, 2016, 12:12:53 pm »
The next game screen shots:

Complaints / Niorochimaru station spreader
« on: April 12, 2016, 12:11:59 pm »
Hi, I was playing Server 4 a few days ago, and was on course to complete it in around 6 years having started 18 months after the start date. Niorochimaru was also playing and had started at the start of the game, when i started he was on 20% goal so i thought i have a chance, which i did :).

However he finished in 4 years, the game ended, he scored the points, as I hadn't logged in yet, thats not the issue.  I did notice though that he didn't have alot of trains, nor routes, just 1 route and about 20 trains running on it.  also about 80 vehicles transferring (pax).  I had about 80 trains and about 15 routes (generating about 5 mill pa)

So I thought notihing of it.

Today I joined server 4 where upon Niorochimaru was again doing his thing, except this time i've taken some screen shots of what the problem is.  See attached.

Also to remove the possiblity of this being an isolated incident (which it isn't) i've also taken screen shots of the next game, in which (he was reluctant to start until I left (as I was spectating), so I left and came back 3 mins later, thus the next reply will contain the screen shots of the following game.

I really don't mind losing, but losing to a cheat, well thats a bitter pill to swallow...  Given his playing history of about 6 games of 1 hour duration per day, with this accumulation of points he'll easily be in top 4 by the end of the month, which given that the routes made in this fashion aren't very complicated to build or maintain, it really makes a mockery of the points system.

See next reply for the next game, where it's just repeated.. and I dare say all of thier games are played in this fashion...

Complaints / Re: Blocking
« on: January 23, 2016, 05:00:02 pm »
Fair enough, I won't be abe to check, however;

Rule 3: Don't build stations or station parts that serve the sole purpose of increasing the coverage area, sabotaging other players, increasing the station/town rating or decreasing the distance to another station.
Rule 12: No station spread cheating, e.g. transfers may not be done for the mere purpose of increasing the spread of a station.

With the above in mind, those bus stations whilst "NOT" connected to the main rail station are in themselves rule breaks.

But  yeah Pariza does look like to be blatantly breaking Rule 4, so good spot.

Have a good day :)

Complaints / Re: Blocking
« on: January 23, 2016, 01:33:39 pm »
Hiya, i'm not an admin, but I must say yes I see the block, but more interestingly, picture two shows you breaking the station spreading rule, aka the unconnected triple bus station (unnamed but presumably connected to the mega terminal).    Actually all the pictures show you breaking this rule...

So given your high ranking, one has to wonder if this is endemic of your usual strategy to get said ranking.  Perhaps a little caution is in order for Parazi and upto the admins to decide if your own goal warrants any similar punishment..

As per title, i've found that if you join a game late, on this server, all you need to do, is leech from a high yielding primary industry, and choose a town close by, then utilise the most upto date trains with shortest distance to ensure dominance over previous companies transported %'age.  I did this last night, and spent most of the time afk aside 2 massive stations that racked up around 2000 tonnes per month between them.  Thus the 41 points scored was a relatively short time period with not much skill involved.  Whilst this idea isn't so much a cheat per se, it's a bit dodgy, and should be looked into.

Complaints / Re: Pprika rule breaking on Death Valley Server
« on: November 06, 2015, 07:05:49 pm »
Sorry for all replies to my own thread, i can't see the modify option this time round, however this will be the last on this thread by me.

Pprika seems blissfully aware of the rule break, and celebrates his high income.

Like they want a compliment for their fair work!

Complaints / Re: Pprika rule breaking on Death Valley Server
« on: November 06, 2015, 06:16:14 pm »
On the following game, same player breaking same rules, see attached screen shots.

Server death valley, start time approx 1800 GMT

Complaints / Pprika rule breaking on Death Valley Server
« on: November 06, 2015, 05:51:23 pm »
Hi again, despite warning player, informing of rules, placing signs for admins to intervene (which were removed by player in question and ignored) player secures early win.

Screen attached to prove.


Time of game 1700 GMT

edited to include extra screen shot near end of game.

Introduction / Hi, I'm Kyrre (and Elleshar)
« on: October 08, 2015, 10:58:27 pm »
First off my real name is Neil, i'm english, and i live in the south of england.  I'm 39, and currently unemployed/retired (house mortgage free :P).  I do have a degree which is a BSc in Molecular Science and i'm part of Mensa.

I regularily play many computer games, mainly multiplayer ones;  Openttd, SpringTA (Total Annihilation Online), Trackmania Forever (free racing game), Mud (an acronym for Multi-User Dungeon), though the Mud I play is called Tempora Heroica and played that for over 20 years.  I also quite like to play offline games such as; Warzone 2100 (with mods), Heroes of Might and Magic III (with mods), Civilization 2, Sid Meier's Pirates (which works on XP) and even Populous 2.

I'm a stoner, always have been (20 years), never ill, not on any medications.  I'm health conscious which some may argue is a contradiction since i smoke tobacco when smoking marijuana.

I was an active member of BTpro (not an admin) for a year or so, until a rogue admin there, essentially accused me of cheating under the guise of an axiom which he himself could not explain why their version is justified and the opposing view, mine (which alledgedly is shared by the owner "Frank") is not.  Surfice to say, i got locked out of my own thread, under the guise of trying to get me banned from forum abuse, which i didn't succumb to.  Therefore i've simply left BTpro.  Which is a shame as i really liked there servers, and rules...

I play Openttd fairly, and to my knowledge i've never actually been banned from any server with rules in place.
I do not code, thus i can't help with the mechanics of the game, nor do i wish to learn code for it.  What i can do though is generate idea's, which i've done for every game, encouraging others to implement them, or give direction to a stalling game's community.

I have some more idea's for OpenTTD too, which in time i may share with the N-ice community.  At the moment though, i'm just playing Openttd occassionally (once a day).  I am noticing some cheating on the N-ice servers, and i have today joined this forum, specifically to report on a registered user, whom has a high rank, and really should know better!.  However, now that i am here, i may end up applying for an admin post, since i notice there's a lack of admin's currently.

I also notice ST2 is here (Hi ST2!), therefore i'll gamble on the notion that ST2 can verify my integrity and possibly be a reference for such an admin request on N-ice.  Whilst my username on the forum is Kyrre, i'd prefer to be known as Elleshar here, but i will not be able to delete elleshar since i can't access the associated email anymore.  I also play under the pseudonym "Commodore" in game, and tend to favour multi-loop train tracks.

I have used IRC, and appreciate that, that application is very suited to chat, whereas OpenTTD really isn't.  Mud is very similar to IRC, but having used IRC before it's not currently installed.  If i became an admin, yes i will use it.

That's probably enough for now.

Look forward to meeting/playing you all, but if you cheat, don't be surprised if i report you :)

Complaints / Zzzzzzz blatantly cheating on Death Valley server.
« on: October 08, 2015, 10:03:27 pm »
Hi, new here, tho not to Openttd.  I am registered on BTpro, and follow their rules, so when i see players not respecting them or N-ice ones which are pretty similar i'll prove my case.

Currently playing Death valley, started a bit late in the game, but noticed a player unregistered, who then logged in, so i took a screen shot (png) to verify their cheating strategy.

See attached.

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