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ottd olympics

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Re: ottd olympics
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2012, 03:24:22 pm »


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In the meanwhile Cossack, we need details of every event...or at least the way u can think of it..... That`s how you make a proposal....
We need dates....and if the admin council agrees, perhaps myhorta will help with a subscription page. But before that , there is lots of work...

This is bullshit.

He posted a constructive thread in suggestions. What should happen is that you post ideas an suggestions and together we formulate a way to make it work or if there isn't enough interest the idea would just fizzle out.

Instead you are telling him to completely work out an idea (on his own) and even set a date before you'll even take it into consideration. - Wow  :o
On top of that you just steal his idea basically and then tell him to keep working on it... - Again I'm pretty much at a loss for words.
You could of least said something like: "I've been throwing your ideas around and have come up with a solution the admin team is satisfied with. We will continue the discussion in another thread."

Yesterday you said that when admins have suggestions they have to go through the same process as us, but this is obviously not true judging from the announcement of "Mad Olympics" you made. That topic just sums up the ideas posted here and the next post is basically - "Cool let's do it"

I guess Cossack can be glad that and "all mighty admin" is doing his idea, even though he is not being involved in the thought process and not given any credit. (I say almighty admin, since that seems to be the trend around here. Admins are to be feared, they are not your friends. Their word is divine)

Re: ottd olympics
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2012, 04:33:21 pm »


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Well the main reason for my post is that Cossack had a suggestion about Olympics... The rest was up for discussion so parody or not it falls under "Olympics" I don't understand why there have to be 2 topics about the same idea. So from that I conclude that you want your idea to appear separate. Also instead of attempting to combine your idea with Cossacks you just start a new topic. (So appears like you don't give a shit about him, but your idea is pretty much the same, just no teams)
So instead of proposing to do x, y, z but not with teams you just started a new topic.

Also you didn't just post a new topic, you posted an announcement. When an admin posts an announcement it generally implies something important.

Next - Credit does matter. When you ask your community for suggestion it's nice to give them recognition when you like it. It let's them feel like they made a difference and will encourage further suggestions in the future. This doesn't mean you have to announce it in the title or whatever. As I previously said if you just said something like: "I like these ideas and have formed an idea that I am willing to execute, further discussions here" People would have felt appreciated. In stead you said something that sounded like "Hey check out my idea, good luck with yours" But when I went to check out "your" idea I basically read a summary of the ideas posted here...

Since Yorvex calls the shots around here, I'm pretty sure his opinion is the one that matters most. Also the tone of the posts there suggest it's going to happen, you just need to put the work in to make it happen.

Also I don't really care if you like my tone or not. I am just questioning your actions as all people should, if they find them unjust.

Re: ottd olympics
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2012, 06:52:52 pm »


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Firstly, thankyou for contributing ideas, Zero. Secondly, i didn't specify how or what we were going to carry out these olympics. I simply suggested that people contribute their ideas and the idea for the 'Mad Olympics' would have been welcome in this thread. I'm not too bothered that you've made another thread but you could have just stickied this one and posted your idea in this one to show that you actually mean business instead of making a new one, stickying that, then completely detaching your idea from my own. Your 'new' idea was welcome here too. But meh, whatever, i don't mind. The fact that you've made a new thread just means we might actually have a competition to compete in instead of it just being an idea :) Just a shame i'm not going to get any credit for my magnificent idea even though none of you would have ever suggested any of this if wasn't for my original post  :-\

Re: ottd olympics
« Reply #18 on: August 24, 2012, 10:35:44 pm »


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I`m starting to think that i`m talking with the wrong people here :| From what I see, for you is more important to get credit then to support and make your idea to reality:|

Conversations about who`s idea it was...start to anger and bore me in the same time:| and as i said...I DON`T CARE WHO HAD THE IDEA. I liked the Mad Olympics idea and i decide to support it and to make a separate topic for everything is nice and ordered..... It is the last time i`m telling you.... You want idea......ask...propose...involve...don`t just wait to write "olympics" and admins to come and implement it. You think i start reminding anyone the things i made? I don`t care... Even the topics that i started, anyone can change the author and be the starter...i don`t care. All I care is turning Mad Olympics into reality. As for your idea Cossack...i have told you before....I don`t like and i don`t hate it... I told you from the beginning and instead of fighting for should fight to get it done. Is it that hard to come up with a take a pen and write down...or even better in write down an example of a calendar for olympics...or anything?

But you and Zero Income are making those 2 subjects close to not taking place since nothing is decided but u fight for credits:|
Nothing is organised and you fight for credits:|
I`m curious to see...if i give up supporting Mad Olympics, will any of the 2 ideas be organised? Haven`t decided yet....but your arguing is making me wanna do that:|
« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 03:34:54 pm by alex879ro »

Re: Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe Olympics (Cossack`s Idea)
« Reply #19 on: August 24, 2012, 11:21:25 pm »


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I'd just like to post this again
Next - Credit does matter. When you ask your community for suggestion it's nice to give them recognition when you like it. It let's them feel like they made a difference and will encourage further suggestions in the future. This doesn't mean you have to announce it in the title or whatever. As I previously said if you just said something like: "I like these ideas and have formed an idea that I am willing to execute, further discussions here" People would have felt appreciated. In stead you said something that sounded like "Hey check out my idea, good luck with yours" But when I went to check out "your" idea I basically read a summary of the ideas posted here...

Also a Suggestion is just an idea or a hint, not necessarily a fully worked out idea (and a suggestion doesn't need to be turned into a reality either)

As I see it Cossack suggested an idea (sure it was a bit vague, but it sparked a discussion and eventually your great idea) - This is fantastic, this is what the suggestions forum is for (in my opinion).

The only issue was that you were a dick about it. I don't understand if you just lack the people skills, but what you did was just odd.

EDIT: I think you should lock this topic since nothing is good is probably going to come out of it anymore. Instead continue the discussions for Olympics in the mad Olympics thread.

Re: ottd olympics
« Reply #20 on: August 24, 2012, 11:51:43 pm »


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well, this post would get us great ideias... if players taked a look to openttd.cfg file before post!
Why? any suggestion must be fundamented... and if we start talking about ideias and dream ideias... hard to take a destiny...

Hint: check your OpenTTD instalation folder (or documents folder), for cfg file; make changes, test them... WHEN tested... and if GOOD... present your change suggestions!

All conversations about hypothetical values usuall take us to noware.

From now on... can suggestions be attached with REAL changes?

Re: ottd olympics
« Reply #21 on: August 25, 2012, 12:05:20 am »


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even in this early stage of an idea (you called it vague yourself) you think so much about credit that the actual idea discussion has died. this has gone as far as using obscene phrases like accusing someone of "being a dick about something", which i ask you to refrain from in the future.

You could of least said something like: "I've been throwing your ideas around and have come up with a solution the admin team is satisfied with. We will continue the discussion in another thread."
sorry, in our world it just doesn't work like this, we have been used to freely discuss each and everything (though more on IRC than here) and there has never been questions who has come up with which idea. none of us has expected such weird reactions to a simple thread split, i think if alex would have known this he would have made such an announcement.

i don't know whether the actual thread split was necessary, i just understood it as this one being with rough brainstorming and the other one trying to sum up the ideas from here and present it in a more sorted way. but that is my interpretation (which is positive, while yours is negativ) so maybe alex' only fault was that he didn't explain his action a bit more instead of leaving it open to interpretation.
but everything afterwards wasn't his fault, the whole credit discussion was just unnecessary, distracting, annoying and has brought us off the original path. it even looks a bit narcissistic.

before my post to the other thread i had read everything on this thread already, and other people can just do the same, it's clearly visible how the idea evolved. but seriously, worrying about how credit should be given before the idea even went into first place of implementation? if you take it that serious post a copyright banner below the idea or something.
otherwise accept that on the internet you throw something in, other people take it, do something with it, change the shape, throw it in somewhere again...that's how ideas evolve. and after a certain period of brainstorming it's time to go into questions how the implementation could look in detail, nothing wrong about that either.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2012, 12:10:07 am by YorVeX »

Re: ottd olympics
« Reply #22 on: August 25, 2012, 01:50:23 am »


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Sorry that I tried to give you a tip that you should thank and involve your community. It's nice how you keep spinning this around and saying that I just wanted credit. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

I will refrain from opening my mouth in the future. Have a nice day.

Re: ottd olympics
« Reply #23 on: August 25, 2012, 01:59:57 am »


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hm he is still taking is personally  ???

Re: ottd olympics
« Reply #24 on: August 25, 2012, 02:26:31 am »


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Sorry that I tried to give you a tip that you should thank and involve your community.
huh? this was long before that awful offtopic discussion started:
Up for the good topic. I like cossack's ideas.

It's nice how you keep spinning this around and saying that I just wanted credit. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
on this thread 1 post from you was about the actual idea. 3 posts were about how you think an idea was stolen and/or credit was not given. doesn't take much math to see what you really focus on. also it's not about YOU wanting credit. but you keep on discussing about it as it was more important than implementation of the idea itself.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2012, 02:30:52 am by YorVeX »

Re: ottd olympics
« Reply #25 on: August 25, 2012, 12:11:01 pm »


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P.S. I can also tell you that this phrase angers me even more? Is credit that much to you? go ahead....have it...

And your idea is not magnificent since it wasn`t turned to reality ...

I don't really mind too much. The fuss you've made about NOT wanted credit totally outweighs the fuss i made about wanting credit. Credit is nice, y'know? just shows that your thoughts and ideas don't completely go to waste all the time

Re: ottd olympics
« Reply #26 on: August 25, 2012, 12:58:10 pm »


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Also, what happened to the other thread? Did Alex delete it?

Re: ottd olympics
« Reply #27 on: August 25, 2012, 03:00:19 pm »


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the fuss was about credit having more weight here than the actual idea, so that the discussion about it has hijacked the thread from being about the original topic. and that was before we even started to go into details.

many of things you see on our servers and the website are the result from ideas, ideas some people threw into the IRC channel, posted in the shoutbox, sometimes even a simple question in the game by a player ("why isn't XY possible on your server?") was the start of a new feature. and no, there is no place where we keep track of that only to make sure everyone is getting his credit. but you even got such a place, because your original thread here existed and was clearly visible to everyone, what more do you want? you can point anyone in doubt about the source of the idea to this thread at any time to claim your credit. write the URL on a t-shirt or something.
the only thing that reduces your credit a bit is the fact that this thread is now full of you guys being so concerned about whether the credit is clearly visible to anyone.
also usually i remember such things and when posting a news about it i would have mentioned the original source of the idea there. that would mean giving credit when it's really ready to talk about it, not days or even weeks before.

Also, what happened to the other thread? Did Alex delete it?

yes, alex deleted the other thread. it is what has started this dispute so it got removed. as you asked for let's continue on this thread, it got stickied.

i still think we need a place where the brainstorming and ideas from this thread are summarized at in a clean way and that should be done by a single person to keep it sorted and in a consistent format. maybe on a wiki page? alternatively you can use some online etherpad implementation or googledocs, possibilities are endless. in the end that definitely is your task, noone of the admins will probably want to touch this anymore, risking to get shouted at.

also we need a thread where the people that will implement it talk about technical details like coding of the subscription page or the server plug-ins. maybe this should be created on the internal admin forum this time, don't want any further misunderstandings...
« Last Edit: October 20, 2020, 10:59:44 pm by YorVeX »