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Messages - solo

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« on: July 19, 2013, 09:48:58 pm »
Reserve me a spectator spot to see moriarte shine like he did in his prime :D. Start practicing already mor :D

Tournaments & Battles / Re: Interserver tournament
« on: June 29, 2013, 12:25:09 pm »
Figure that out with thedude personally ST2. Besides that im pretty sure we can arrange a 1-day unban if needed aswell.

That is, if we were to play the game at novapolis server.

Waiting for a representative from btpro to be selected and we can start settings discussion. Im pretty sure we can find a way to please everybody.

Tournaments & Battles / Re: Interserver tournament
« on: June 26, 2013, 07:26:23 pm »
Yes you can call me the novapolis representative ;).

No batt this was pure to see how intersted n-ice players are in this. Deciding settings goals rules and stuff will take some time.

For now i would think of a team effort. We should just see how it goes and perhaps plan some more games after that.

How do we proceed imus? Shall i start a new thread on Bt-pro?

Tournaments & Battles / Interserver tournament
« on: June 26, 2013, 06:40:06 pm »
Hello n-ice people.

Most of you will not know me so i will introduce myself a little bit.
My name is solo and i have been playing openttd since a few years now. Started on ex! servers, later luukland which turned into novapolis. Sometimes play a bit on bt-pro and n-ice aswell. Also checking the websites every now and then.

So, im a player from novapolis and we have had some discussions lately to perhaps organise a tournament with teams from different servers duking it out. (most likely being novapolis/  Idea behind it ofcourse being the good old 'who beats who' but also getting some more interaction with different people, seeing new tactics, improving server settings and more.

Ofcourse, as some of you know on novapolis we use server settings and rules that are far apart from the ones used on bt-pro and n-ice. Therefor, to make such a tournament happen, good agreements on settings and rules have to be made.

Before getting into to much detail; How do you guys look upon such an idea?



General Chat / Re: why u play openttd?
« on: June 22, 2013, 12:08:02 pm »
I love how you started this topic in a place which is discribed to be a place without any discussion on openttd :D.

Suggestions / Re: Additional points
« on: October 10, 2012, 09:07:04 pm »
Looking good,

What i would consider rather than giving a fixed 1xp bonus for transporting multiple cargos with a base value of >20% is use a multiplier on the total xp. somewhere between 1,03 and 1,06 for each cargo would suffice imo. I think the 20% is a correct value aswell.

I do remember now that i once entered a game later where 2 friends apparently were playing, i went over their value rather quickly and in the end when i was @ 98% goal i got resetted and apparently lost, because one decided to suicide to give the other one exactly enough to win the game. ANYWAY, your servers (mostly?) work with a 300k starting loan which seriously is waay more than enough if you ask me. But thats only my opinion i know. (however the fact remains that its a really fragile part of your reward)

Maybe theres an option to limit the amount of cash giving. (If you top it at say 10-50k each time players wouldnt even be bothered to transfer millions).

What i mean about the quarterly calculation is not to calculate in between months, but to calculate the total time required to reach the goal in a value of quarters. Then compare them with a fixed value that would be reachable by the average of the players. (this is hard to determine). Example: If you have a server where you get 10 base XP if you win the game in 10 quarters (this is what the average [wo]man would do), you get <10 base XP when you finish later than 10 quarters and >10 XP if you finish earlier. This fixed value should also be the start of your calculation where-as all the other factors get multiplied with that achieved base value.
This one doesnt come alone because i also think starting year has a great influence on the game, as starting in 1995-2005 is way way easier than starting in 1985-1995, because of the easy transition from normal into monorail and the +25% train speed.

General Chat / Re: Admin Tournament
« on: October 10, 2012, 07:53:05 pm »
these tournaments purely admins or do you accept special guests? :-)

Suggestions / Re: Additional points
« on: October 10, 2012, 07:37:58 pm »
Ok you just said a few things that i dont understand, (i also dont know how to quote correctly but that aside :D ).

- This bug that you create x engines in a depot and shoot up your company value i heard of this before. Didnt know if that was true or not but thats a pain indeed. Isnt there a possibility to substract this in the CV-calculation formula? (something like: CV" = CV - (engines [complete trains] that have <=0 income this year * their value) ? Or is that to simply thought?

- The thing i mentioned about the different cargo types is also a fragile part because a few short trains with different types and i transported 8/8 types cargo.

- You must be joking that you have the option to send money to other companies on? ... really :/

- And if possible calculate the time taken on a monthly or quarterly base. Instead of only yearly

That said, im no coder or anything so i have no clue how easy/hard this stuff is

Suggestions / Re: Additional points
« on: October 09, 2012, 08:42:51 pm »
I dont get why you would use performance rating as a measurement for skill and exp reward.

- If i forgot to pay off my loan i get 100 performance less, whereas i dont meet up to the requirements of certain server (in the heat of the battle its easy to forget your loan, as it is completely irrelevant after +- 1-2 year of playing)
- If i want a high performance i have to transport all kind of lousy items with one train just to initiate the different cargo reward
- I cannot use short feeders as the chance is high that one will get <10k income (this is 100 performance missing)
- All the other meetings are usually met by the time you finish the goal in any server, thus irrelevant

Trust me performance rating is way overrated :)

Tbh the best thing to do is have your score be highly (read: almost completely) dependant on the time it takes you to reach the goal, as that rewards the best players with the highest points.

I believe your servers are goal games right, not make the most stations or deliver all kinds of cargo's. Otherwise you could just ignore the CV and focus purely on 999 perf rating, which might be interesting aswell (read: also annoying to reach ;). )

Suggestions / Re: CityBuilder - share ideas/comments
« on: October 09, 2012, 10:11:14 am »
Hello guys,

This is more a bug report for the CB server but didnt know where to put it;

Yesterday me and a friend were playing a bit on the citybuilder server trying to stresstest the private area around a town owned by a player.
We found a few things but one i saw already mentioned which was you can build a HQ inside another players town and leave it there.
The other ones:
-When you take a town where a traintrack was already build the train track doesnt disappear (which is correct imo), but when adding signals to the tracks the tracks get removed.
-If you are fast enough with building a depot and releasing an engine you can avoid the autoremove. After that the depot will stay there aswell as the tracks/roads the vehicle has traveled over. (I dont wanna tell the trolls but it has to be mentioned and i didnt see it yet).
-After a reset the signs (sometimes?) which give the area size stay there

Also i saw you discussing over a point system for cb compared to the CV games. Tbh theres only one good formula for it and thats using the expired gametime for your company to get to the goal for the main calculation. Also include competition (although the map is big enough), and the amount of people in company, starting year etc.

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