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Topics - solo

Pages: [1]
Tournaments & Battles / Interserver tournament
« on: June 26, 2013, 06:40:06 pm »
Hello n-ice people.

Most of you will not know me so i will introduce myself a little bit.
My name is solo and i have been playing openttd since a few years now. Started on ex! servers, later luukland which turned into novapolis. Sometimes play a bit on bt-pro and n-ice aswell. Also checking the websites every now and then.

So, im a player from novapolis and we have had some discussions lately to perhaps organise a tournament with teams from different servers duking it out. (most likely being novapolis/  Idea behind it ofcourse being the good old 'who beats who' but also getting some more interaction with different people, seeing new tactics, improving server settings and more.

Ofcourse, as some of you know on novapolis we use server settings and rules that are far apart from the ones used on bt-pro and n-ice. Therefor, to make such a tournament happen, good agreements on settings and rules have to be made.

Before getting into to much detail; How do you guys look upon such an idea?



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