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Messages - Sassafrass

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Re: Raise the train limit. 120 trains is way too low.
« on: August 10, 2012, 02:28:02 pm »
Thanks, I'm glad you're considering my suggestion.  The server I'm referencing is the openttdcoop Public Server.  It has a password but it is easy to acquire if you join their IRC.  It currently has 1,666 trains and it is struggling this game but I believe that is because it is a PAX game and there are many massive cities which use a lot of resources.  In previous games there have been more trains where I haven't noticed any issues.
The 450 and 500 train limits are more than fine.  I've been playing on your 450 train limit server.  It's the 120 trains and less that are too low; I should have clarified that.

Suggestions / Re: Raise the train limit. 120 trains is way too low.
« on: August 10, 2012, 11:44:02 am »
I'd just like to make a note.  I've been playing on your servers for a few days and I really like them.  On average, I rarely see players have more than 80 trains.  They have  about 60 average.  There are maybe 1-3 people who go past 100.  I play on other servers which have more than 1700 trains going on the network and the OpenTTD client has 0 issues handling that many trains.  That's what the game is designed for. 
Out of curiosity, I checked all of your servers and the train limits are just too low for my play style.  Not everyone likes to use 200+ TL4 (train length) trains for their network like I do; most people prefer really long trains because it's easier to make money that way.  If that is the game-play you are striving for, I understand: these are not the servers for me.
I like to challenge myself and make a network that requires smart design to support the flow of that many trains.  I've received compliments from other players on your server about how my networks are the nicest they've ever seen.  I enjoy showing others that OpenTTD has more to offer.
Let me know when you raise the train limit for arctic or any of your other servers, until then, I bid you adieu.

Suggestions / Re: Raise the train limit. 120 trains is way too low.
« on: August 09, 2012, 04:29:29 am »
Is there an argument on why the train limits are kept low?  I doubt it's an issue with CPU usage.

Suggestions / [DONE] Raise the train limit. 120 trains is way too low.
« on: August 08, 2012, 01:12:25 pm »
I was playing on the medium goal server, having a great game against another player.  I prefer short train, high-traffic networks.  Towards the end of the game (which was very close) I discovered I could not make anymore trains.  Please raise the train limit, 120 is absurd.  I would post the save game but the file is too large (1mb).

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