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Messages - zharko

Pages: [1]
Ban/Unban Requests / Re: Inappropriate admin behavior - Geert
« on: October 09, 2012, 10:04:52 am »
With so many retarded morons on this server I guess my place is not here... OK good to know.


Ban/Unban Requests / Inappropriate admin behavior - Geert
« on: October 09, 2012, 08:43:30 am »
Hi all

Today at about 2am CET time I was playing on server #5 (15 billions goal), when something very unpleasent happened. One of the admins - Geert came along, and did something an admin should not do.

Here is what happened: I was playing with some guys there and we were having fun, when Geert appeared in the game. He started harressing everyone to "follow the rules" on the server, and that he was getting impatient. I vaguely remember him saying something along the lines "the only reason you are not banned is because I have patience...". Should an admin be saying this kind of stuff? Nobody was really breaking the rules, well maybe there were rules broken... but there was no abuse, if there were rules broken it was not with bad intentions, if you have log please check it and decide for yourself. I tried to explain Geert what is going on in the game, I was about to go to bed and didnt have time to clean my mess in the game, but the point was it was not a mass created intentionally to break rules, but because of inexperience in the game rather... He kicked me from my company, and what I realized after the game is that I was banned from the server !!! My god

Now it would be nice if you unban me, but that's not the primary reason why I am writing here. What stroke me is Geert's behavior. Do you need admins behaving like gestapo in the game ? I thought admins are in the game to prevent abuse and resolve conflicts among players, not exercise frustrations on normal people. Please revoke the admin rights of Geert, or educate him that he is not god in the game and there are behavior manners an admin should follow. My point here is not whether he is right or not, but his gestapo attitude, an admin should definitely not have that.

Thank you very much

Regards to all

P.S. you're doing great job with this server, very nice

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