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Messages - naz

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Changelog / Re: 1.3.0 C - n-ice version
« on: May 16, 2013, 11:56:17 am »

Bolsiq is right, as LB9 is the only descent plane able to use small airports without crashing.

Changelog / Re: 1.3.0 C - n-ice version
« on: May 15, 2013, 11:36:47 pm »
N-Ice changes. ;)

Totally agree with Andreas. ;)
My suggestion to make the points fair when compared to the amount of work done for the same points on other servers:
Go back to the old settings and drastically reduce the amount of points given/game.

Suggestions / Re: [Poll] Industry competition
« on: May 15, 2013, 11:25:27 pm »
Someone supplying truck load and taking train load will bring up the argument "who's right / who's wrong" and " I am not breaking any rules".
Its been a almost a year since this topic was discussed, may be its time for a change, only time will tell if change is good or bad.
There are more "spoilers" than "fair-players" out there.


or maybe change airplanes set with the NEW GRF "World Airliners Set "

it worth to try  ::)

A splendid idea, if only it can be put into practice

Or even better...Bigger map (2048x2048 +more cities), 5billion goal , 950 perf , 500 aircrafts...

Well its the same on all servers, that you build your network and then just wait till you reach the goal. Its also a fact that building an airport network is the quickest one, as the server name get exactly " what it says on the tin". Surely if one want to do more than just sit and wait, there are plenty of other servers with varied options.

Suggestions / Re: Review.. Setting changes for k8 (AirPlane Fantasia)
« on: April 15, 2013, 01:22:43 am »
I think its time to "Up the bar" a bit. I suggest target increased to 1 billion, and perfect score of 900.

Suggestions / Re: [Update] Setting changes for k8 (AirPlane Fantasia)
« on: March 30, 2013, 10:50:59 pm »

I think there is room for improvement (a much needed one too).
Competition is hamperred by low numbers of 4k cities, on average there are about 5 or 6 to start with and these are quickly taken up by players on first come first served basis.Very often new players visiting the server, with intent to play, leave soon, realising there is "no more room."
This situation can be overcome in two ways:
   1) A bigger map, like 2048x2048 with lots of  bigger cities.
   2) Removing the noise limit.

Thats my opinion, hope to see others ideas too.

Changes were made to attract more pple to this server and make more interesting, although, in my opinion, some tweaking is still required (number of 4k cities to be increased for example.)
 As far as serevr 3 goes, thats one THE most popular server, so any adverse change might deter regular players.
Thats my opinion though...

Suggestions / Re: Setting changes for k8 (AirPlane Fantasia)
« on: March 15, 2013, 04:00:29 am »
Well the last plane introduced is Darwin700 in the year 2042. My suggestions are as follows:

1) Start 2030 - 2060.(All planes and airports types in ottd can be utilized)

2) Planes never expire.... (for classic plane lovers).

3) Train lengths reduce to 5 tiles...(as lev4 would have come in and people would rush to long pax trains for easy money.whereas 5 tile trains should be sufficient for resources needed to expand towns)

4) Disable funding new industries.(stopping people from building lumber mills).

I am sure someone else can come with better ideas than what i have put down.

Suggestions / [IMPLEMENTED] Setting changes for k8 (AirPlane Fantasia)
« on: March 13, 2013, 04:56:44 am »
As the name suggests, this server is dedicated for aiplane builders (me one of them) but its not possibel to fully make use of modern airports and modern airplanes. Can I ask for some thoughts to be given to this server...plz.


It would be a new experience owning/no stealing on n-ice servers....
Looking forward to it...if indeed it is put to test.

Thanks Andreas. This also supports that the above mentioned points are strong enough to cleanup before. Strongly favour Colour and showing in the graph/table.

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