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Topics - Fauser

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Complaints / # 9 Temperate STEAMER WORLD
« on: August 06, 2013, 01:20:06 am »

More of a inquiry than complaint. I have played two matches since I became a member of, using the client and automated in game log in. My profile displays my game result details from  2013-08-03 but not from 2013-08-05. Oddly enough you can view earned achievements from both of these dates, but one game result is missing. If I'm simply misunderstanding the system in place let me know, but it does seem like it could be a bug of some sort.


edit: I would like to mention a few more parameters to make troubleshooting easier. I was logged in from the beginning of the game, and never went away from the computer. There was around 10 clients connected at the end of the game, 5-7 active. I also clicked a notification upon winning the game something along the lines of GOAL REACHED!......

I'm new to To my delight a few friends and I recently discovered an active online OpenTTD community, and decided to join up here. We generally play for 2 to 4 hour increments in which we aim to draw games to a resolution, before we discovered the GOAL scripted servers we used objective methods utilizing the various ranking systems native to the client.

However we have found that as the Performance GOAL increases the CV follows suit. It would be awesome if you would consider adding a higher Performance GOAL with a lower CV, so that a game duration may still fall within this shorter window but still giving the challenge of completing different factors attributing to this score.

Currently the #9 Temperate STEAMER WORLD server is what we have played and likely will continue to play in the meantime, as it still has a relatively high Performance GOAL without an excessive CV, ensuring the game doesn't continue beyond availability. This is just some food for thought, variety is always good though in my opinion. The subject is just a suggestion, the finer details such as starting year and specifics of CV and Performance aren't concrete figures.


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