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Messages - PixL

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Re: Achievements
« on: December 25, 2012, 10:32:47 am »
If I recall correctly, the achievements are meant to be hidden, kind of like Easter eggs

Suggestions / Re: Two continents
« on: December 02, 2012, 05:13:36 pm »
I think I've seen scenarios and heightmaps with this theme. I like the idea myself, it would be interesting to see what kind of systems people would make.
However, there is (at least) 1 problem with this idea:
Ships and aircraft are usually limited on servers (and for good reason) so making a map with large amounts of water, which can only be crossed by ships and aircraft wouldn't make much sense. This would lead to people terraforming land between the two continents, and at that point, what difference would there be between a normal server and this "two continents" one?
A solution could be to not restrict ships and/or aircraft, but seeing as they are really easy to set up, wouldn't that take away some of the fun?
An alternative could be that you have to have a certain amount of profit from each individual vehicle category in order to win, this would be very interesting. However, seeing as I know Jack s**t about coding, I don't know if such a script is available, or even possible.

Suggestions / Re: Arctic LONG GOAL
« on: November 21, 2012, 05:31:46 pm » told me , so my opinion you already know.

About the ARCTIC LONG GOAL . Arctics are not so popular unfortunately.....even if I am the fan of Long Goals definetly, even to me , an Arctic Long Goal doesn`t sound like a good idea. But hey....I can be wrong....If we see more favorable opinions here, we`ll give it a everybody...please share your opinions :)

About the ARCTIC HARD GOAL . As I said about the arctics......but yet again...We never thought about such a server. This one seems much more interesting....But ...before we could try such a proposal ....I would like to see what ST2 has to say mainly about the ARCTIC HARD GOAL....since he has a well known experience with this type of servers...
I think sexten meant that these things would be combined into a single ARCTIC LONG HARD GOAL server.

I'm not a very big fan of this idea. Long games and hard games have completely different challenges to them, and I don't see why they should be combined. Also, we already have several long goals, and I see no need to add another one, temperate and Tropical really are better for those anyway in my opinion.
Not to mention that a hilly long goal server would just end up in ridiculous amounts of terraforming.

I am personally a big fan of arctic maps, and also a big fan of the earlier stages of the game. So an Arctic server starting in 1955-1960 definitely has my vote, And I have no objection to a hard game with hilly environments (even though it would probably end up with me failing horribly).

 So, in short, I say yes for an Arctic hard goal, yes to an Arctic Server with early start, no on arctic long goal, and no on all these things combined.

General / Re: A queston/suggestion -- Please read
« on: November 19, 2012, 08:26:02 pm »

Do you admins have some sort of guidelines on how hard different actions should be punished?....
Yes there are.  I quote from detailed rules page:

14.2. Admins
Admins follow a fixed protocol if they spot a rule violation.
Ask the player to fix his rule violations
If a player does not respond within 30 seconds lock his company to get his attention
Wait for the player to respond
10 minutes for cases where nobody is disturbed by the rule violation (nobody is actively blocked, nobody complained)
2 minutes for cases where someone is disturbed by the rule violation (someone is actively blocked or complained about it)
If the player did not respond or refuses to fix the rule violation within that time an admin will reset his company

For cases with low severity admins can always decide (and are encouraged) to wait longer than the above mentioned time or even help a player by joining his company to fix the problems.

For cases with high severity (active sabotage of other players, intentional vehicle destruction, insults...) admins might even kick/ban/reset company without any prior warning.

Thank you for the answer, you answered what I really wanted to ask (What guidelines do you have, why I wrote do you have any guidelines is beyond me).

General / Re: A queston/suggestion -- Please read
« on: November 19, 2012, 04:36:04 pm »
But perhaps it would be premature proceed further without a new definition of rule #4 (still the most problematic, enforced but not respected - and players see that and get confused there).
(I'm not a very frequent player, so I haven't seen how admins handle these sorts of things. Therefore, my opinion might be a bit invalid.)
I definitely think rule #4 needs some tweaking, it is not very clear.
Do you admins have some sort of guidelines on how hard different actions should be punished?, and if so, do they make distinctions between things like unintentional blocking (as in booking a bit too much land around your airports) and more intentional blocking?
Rule#4 might also cause confusion to players, it is a bit unclear on exactly what blocking a town is. As an example it really is down to each individual's interpretation if a used railway be considered a blocker if it is surrounding a town.

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